Our Mission

Enable founders to unleash their creativity and bring innovative products to life by providing a streamlined financial technology platform.

Our Leadership

We're a team of founders, technologists, and bankers (don't hold that against us). We've been where you are and are on a mission to help you grow.

Testimonial 01
Ramy has 20+ years of Financial Services experience. He co-founded couples finance app Honeyfi and was the COO of neobank Moven. Most recently he was the former Head of Enterprise API Banking at Wells Fargo.
Ramy Serageldin
Testimonial 02
When he's not working or shuttling kids to activities, you'll find him trying to sleep.
The Sleepyman
Testimonial 01
Joyce has 35+ years of Financial Services experience. She was the COO The Bancorp Bank which launched BaaS. She is also the founder iLEX Consulting, which has helped over 45 fintechs get to market.
Joyce Mehlman
Testimonial 02
Innocent looking, you better watch yourself around her, or she'll set you straight!
The Enforcer
Testimonial 01
Andrew has 10+ years of Product Management experience. He most recently was the Head of Product at fintech Totem and previously was product lead at Butter and Spruce.
Andrew Hebert
Testimonial 02
Don't let this man's calm demeanor fool you, he's a force to be reckoned with.
Rajin Cajun
Testimonial 01
Greg has 25+ years of technology experience. Most recently, he was lead engineer at Curu Credit. Previously, he held senior positions at NetBank and Churchill Downs.
Greg Morgen
Testimonial 02
DevOps Ninja specializes in building scalable and secure systems.
DevOps Ninja
Testimonial 01
Brennen has 8+ years of technology experience. Most recently, he was a senior Engineer at fintech Totem. Previously, he was building the future with a number of startups in the web3 space.
Brennen Awana
Testimonial 02
Front to backend, he's got you covered. He's also a mean ukulele player.

Join Us!

We're a team of founders, technologists, and bankers (don't hold that against us). We've been where you are and are on a mission to help you grow. We're looking for people who share our vision and philosophy. If that describes you, take a look at what we have open!